Friday, January 18, 2008

Talk your way outta this one mister...

I was driving past Shuba's tonight and it reminded me of a goofy story from a few years ago. A friend of mine came up from Nashville with his wife in the month of April. We went to the club to see another friend of ours who was playing there. It was a wee bit chilly so the wife borrowed my leather coat for the evening. After a great show and a few days of laughter, our guests went back home. End of story? Hardly. My coat spends a lonely summer tucked away in the closet awaiting the arrival of fall for it's owner to once again take it out so it can do it's job of keeping him warm. I'm out with Kim at dinner and reach inside my pocket and pull out a pair of black lacy women's under ware. Now I've been known to partake in the wearing of unders from the fairer sex but I swear these weren't mine. I stood there with them in my hand looking at Kim not knowing how they got in my pocket or how I was going to get out of this one. I was truly stunned and confused. With my mouth agape, I couldn't even begin to explain my new found prize. If you remember in the Blues Brothers where Belushi was on his knees in the mud screaming..."I SWEAR, IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!!" That was me trying to keep Kim from killing me in the most painful way she could think of. We stood there trying to figure it all out realizing that my buddy's wife was the last to wear my coat. At some point in the evening she decided her under ware was better off residing in my pocket. Kim, knowing this girl shook her head in agreement that those were hers. Gotta love an understanding wife...Phew


Steve said...

Funny! And you're a brave man for posting about the incident (including the little details not directly related to the pocket contents).

Donna said...


Angie said...

As I recall, you were wearing ladies' undergarments at MY wedding, weren't you?

Doug said...

Your father's quote after seeing me was...

"I used to like those"

Angie said...

I remember that, now. I also remember being told about your choice of undergarment while we were having our pictures taken.
