Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mommy Nugget...

This is crazy,

Nugget became broody about a week ago. Kim got on the phone and offered "egg sitting" services to a rare breed chicken operation not too far from here. They didn't need us so Kim called the guy who gave us Nugget to begin with and asked if he needed her.
As it turned out, he did. Nugget is now sitting on two, yes two Peacock eggs...

What a good mom.

More as the eggs cook.


Donna said...

Your subtitle says it all.

Steve said...

Now we definitively know that the chicken came before the peacock eggs.

Doug said...

Well Donna, I certainly don't expect you to understand...
Don't worry they go back after they hatch.

Mark Aubrey said...

One word: eggamuffin.