Saturday, December 22, 2007

An instant classic?

Those of you who know me will understand I don't throw "classic" around lightly.
I have (at last count) 160+ Christmas cds laying around. My music hoarder buddy Mark has just as many or more. I have heard waaay too many modern christmas tunes that just don't cut it. Well, here's a demo that will be picked up by a major artist and have a great run with it.
Music by Phil Madeira and words by Merrill Farnsworth this hidden gem is a keeper.

Well done kids
The first song in the player...
Phil Madeira


Angie said...

Just listened to it. I would love to hear YOU sing it. Of course, I'd like to be playing with you! : )

Thanks. I love it.

Doug said...

not a bad tune eh?

Angie said...


Donna said...

How 'bout giving us your rendition of it on Christmas?

Angie said...

Okay, if you indulge your sister, you sure better tape it, and put it on the blog.

. . .that's all I'm saying.

Steve said...

Merry Christmas, Doug and all!