Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bacon with Pa Pa...

So today was yet another day having breakfast with one my favorite people Amelia.
After French toast with bacon and orange juice, we usually head up to see Kim (Meema) at the wildlife place, today was no different. A trip to the park to round out the morning makes for some of my favorite times. Little Olive is now sitting up and will soon be joining us on our adventures...

Off to New Hampshire and Connecticut tomorrow.

Look who is sitting up on her own!


Steve said...

Fun pix! Looks like it was a great day.

Say "Hi" to New Hamster. Hope your gig goes smooth and you get some free time to enjoy the local flavor.

I think they closed the Jai Alai courts in CT. Those were interesting.

Angie said...

Have a wonderful trip, my friend. Love the pics. Those girls are just beautiful. . . Kim included!